Saturday 2 April 2011


Hello everyone ! Remember my last post ? So I decided to cancel my registration this or next month. Till then I will go only to Japanese classes.
I received the confirmation of my Volunteer apply. I registered about October or so and I was planning to do that in July/August but since the situation has changed I'll probably start in May.
It is a good idea I guess... Because I can start searching for a job anyway and don't need to hurry since I have something to do until June.
I hope I can still have time to study while working, if not, it won't worth it...

Anyway, I have placed my order from Liz Lisa so you can look for a post maybe next week ! *-*
I am really happy although one of the dresses I wanted sold out :/

Thanks for reading

Special thanks to Redtonic and Hanabira for the support


  1. I think it will be good too, for you to do something until June, and you still keep going to Japanese classes which you like =)
    It might be hard to study while working though.. but I think you can do it if you set your mind to it!
    Looking forward for your next post, I wanna see your Liz Lisa haul :D

    You don't have to thank me, you know if you need anything I'll try to help :)

  2. esta's no curso de braga? pff, eu acho q fizes-te super bem em desistires porq n vale a pena estares a perder tempo q podias estar a gastar noutras coisas. mais vales escolheres outra coisa e estudares japones 'a parte e depois tentares praticar essa coisa no japao se for esse o teu objectivo ou se o teu objectivo for mesmo so' estudar o Japao ou so' a lingua japonesa podias ver q cursos existiam sobre isso no Japao e tentares ganhar uma bolsa ou mesmo tentares a tua sorte sozinha. either way, Boa sorte!

  3. pois eu percebo como te sentes, mm assim vcs ainda têm mais horas de japones por semana por isso imagina -.-" eu acho q fazes super bem, vcs n têm uma embaixada ai'? normalmente a embaixada da' bolsas mas e' apenas para mestrados e doutoramentos por isso quando te candidatas tens de ja' estar licensiada (em qualquer curso). eu acho q para estudar japones(n muito longe) o melhor e' ser ou em frança ou em inglaterra, devias ver o programa de bolsas dessas universidades.

  4. OMO! you are so adorable :D
    I really love your blog ^_^
    maybe you wanna check out mine, you might like it :3
    I really like your design <3

  5. Noo I really mean it ^_^
    I do like your blog
    do not worry about HTML I can't figure it out for this blogger place either I only knew how to do myspace coding x'D <333
    yes keep posting ^_^
