Friday, 16 September 2011

Crazy big cute Giveaway @modes4u

modes4u is having a cute giveaway on their blog ! The giveaway included 30 prizes, here's an example:

You can't miss it ; )


  1. Oláá~♥
    Desculpa nem tenho comentado no teu blog, tive um pouco ausente T^T

  2. I deffinetely can not miss this :P So good for me to be part of the swab since now I know about this and can attend :PP Modes4u has so much cut stuff.

  3. Some real cute stuff. Went to your tumblr site and I'm happy to say that I am now quite clear as to what Kawii is. I had an inkling, but living overseas I wasn't sure. I am an American living in Ukraine. Nice to connect with someone this side of the big pond.
